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How to Properly Care for Your Candle
Cristina DiMarzio  

How to Properly Care for Your Candle

We've all been there at least a few times... we finally invest in a delicious smelling candle, one made with pure ingredients, hand-poured with a scent curated to draw in your senses. All seems to be going well, when you blow out your candle and see the dreaded tunnel... a burned out tunnel of wax in the middle and too much wax remaining on the sides. You know most of your candle will now be wasted, as you have no idea how to recover that wax on the sides. You're frustrated.  So how can we avoid the dreaded tunnel? How do we not waste 1/2 our cande?  Read on for Tips and Best Practices! 

Make This Jubilee Year One of Personal Encounter with Christ
Cristina DiMarzio  

Make This Jubilee Year One of Personal Encounter with Christ

The ancient Jubilee had four key pillars:  All the slaves were to be set free.  The land was to rest, there was to be no work done in that year. All debts were forgiven. Everyone returns home. As I was meditating upon the four key pillars of a Jubilee and its ancient traditions, a sort of framework began to take shape in my heart. A framework for this refocusing and regrouping, a way to focus my prayer throughout the year, and even a standard to hold myself up against as an examen of sorts throughout the year. I share that framework and some of my reflection questions with you here, in the hopes that it may also help you think more deeply about what this Jubilee year might mean for you, and how you too can walk more intentionally within the arms of the Church this year, and usher in a personal encounter with Christ. CLICK TO READ FULL BLOG

A Decidedly Catholic Hallowtide
Cristina DiMarzio  

A Decidedly Catholic Hallowtide

Several years ago, a friend and I started a super fun tradition of celebrating a Día de los Muertos Party to decidedly reclaim Halloween, AKA, All Hallow's Eve, for the beautiful Catholic tradition that it is. I know the Day of the Dead is not on Halloween, but after watching my kids go crazy for witch movies and seeing their little brains turn with curious excitement over magical cards and Ouija Boards and all sorts of occult references and practices (which so overtly make their way into secular, mainstream kids TV) I decided that enough was enough! In my home at least, something had to be done to bring faith and beauty back into this time of year, to strategically divert their attention from the message the world is clamoring at them. I wanted to focus on faith and tradition, but I didn't want to take the fun and mystery out of the month of October. *CLICK TO READ MORE*

Our Lady of Sorrows
Cristina DiMarzio  

Our Lady of Sorrows

This Sunday the Universal Church celebrates the Memorial of the Virgin Mary under her title, Our Lady of Sorrows. It seems at first an odd thing to "celebrate," her sorrow that is, for why should anyone's suffering be cause to celebrate? But what Our Lady, and thus the Church through her, is showing us is that there can be no celebration in the eternal realm without some measure of sorrow. Love and suffering cannot be separated. In fact, it has been said in different ways by countless saints, that love is cheap without the willingness to suffer for our beloved. Should it not then follow, that the two who loved best in all the world, Mary and her Son, also suffered the greatest? There is no way to heaven but through the Cross, and Our Lady knew that sorrow all too well. Click to read more. 

Source & Summit... True Love in the Eucharist
Cristina DiMarzio  

Source & Summit... True Love in the Eucharist

Real Presence Father Gregory Pine, O.P. "There are no words to express the abyss between isolation and having one ally." Chesterton was right. Of the various ordeals we face in life, the experience of isolation, of being alone, is one of the most acute. Never is this more true than when we are suffering. It's a terrible thing, when you are in anguish, to look for help and find yourself all alone. Its another thing entirely if, in the midst of your pain, someone who loves you steps to your side. A friend makes a rough patch smooth, a bitter time sweeter. To have someone who is truly present to us in our sorrow makes all the difference.

Falling in Love with Jesus this Lent
Cristina DiMarzio  

Falling in Love with Jesus this Lent

I thought it quite befitting that Lent began with Ash Wednesday colliding with Valentine's Day this year. Is that not actually the true purpose of Lent? To grow in real intimacy with Jesus? To fall madly and deeply in love with The One who loves our souls most perfectly? A dear friend and I were praying together on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and one of our intentions during that rosary was to "Fall more deeply in love with Jesus this Lent." Those words struck a place deep within my heart that I have been thinking about ever since. This year, I want to do Lent differently. We all can- if we come to see Lent from the perspective of growing in true intimacy with Jesus. 

Resting on the Breast of Christ - A Father's Love
Cristina DiMarzio  

Resting on the Breast of Christ - A Father's Love

When I was a little girl, up until my father passed away from brain cancer a few years ago, I would always rest my head on his chest and hear his heartbeat. There was a special divot there where my head fit perfectly, seemingly all my life, as if it had been formed just for me, or molded by my own head over the years.

Read a Spiritual Classic this Year!
Cristina DiMarzio  

Read a Spiritual Classic this Year!

Certain spiritual books have had such an impact on the traditions of the Christian faith that they are rightfully known as classics. They have shaped the landscape and shed immense light on the workings of God in our world or how we can and should interact with Him and with each other with the end goal of heaven in mind. This achievement in penmanship is not by their own human nature, but by the unmistakable imprint of the Divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit working through them to produce these beautiful treasures. Read on to learn about our new collection of spiritual classics! 

The Joy of the Christmastide Season!
Cristina DiMarzio  

The Joy of the Christmastide Season!

Once Advent comes to a close and the gifts from St. Nick have all been opened and put-away, most people think the Christmas season is over, but for Christians, especially more traditional Catholics and Orthodox Christians, the Christmas season, also known as Christmastide, has actually only just begun!  This is a great opportunity to keep the splendor and joy of the season alive and there are no shortage of feast days and celebrations to envelope the kids into! Here are a few ideas with which we celebrate in my home!  

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day- Dec. 6th!
Cristina DiMarzio  

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day- Dec. 6th!

If your family grew up with the same traditions as mine, you didn't know anything about St. Nicholas Day as a day independant of Christmas. It wasn't until my oldest started attending the local Catholic school that I started to learn about specific feast days associated with Saints, and of course, St. Nicholas being a fan favorite! Here are some great ideas for how to have a simple, but traditional and cute, St. Nicholas Day Feast with your family! 
