Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Italian Renaissance master painter, Paolo Veronese, beautifully depicts the story of The Woman at the Well. At the ancient well of His ancestor Jacob, Veronese paints the moment Jesus reveals to a world-weary Samaritan woman that He alone is the promised Messiah and the giver of "living water" that surpasses the stale and unreliable water of the old well. At the well, she discovered that He is The Bridegroom her heart has been yearning for, He is The One her heart can love and rest in and be infinitely loved in return. (John: Chapter 4).
This gorgeous Giclee print is printed on Archival Matte paper, and measures 10 x 20, which is a standard panoramic sizing.
This painting would make a gorgeous wedding gift. I also happen to think it would make a beautiful gift to any young woman as a reminder of who ultimately will always love her heart.
These are custom printed. Please allow 2-3 weeks for shipping.